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An interview with Alex Davies

An interview with Alex Davies

25 January 2023
  • Quantitative Research

Alex Davies is a machine learning researcher at DeepMind, leading efforts to understand how machine learning can be used to solve fundamental problems and make new discoveries in mathematics.

He completed his PhD in machine learning at Trinity College, Cambridge in 2014 under Zoubin Ghahramani, which was awarded the outstanding thesis prize by G-Research.

As part of the G-Research Distinguished Speaker Series, Alex Davies was one of three speakers at the 2022 Computer Guided Mathematics Symposium, speaking alongside Sir Timothy Gowers (Professeur titulaire of the Combinatorics chair at the Collège de France) and Kevin Buzzard (Imperial College).

Machine Learning with Mathematicians

Alex’s talk delves into how machine learning can help mathematicians find new patterns in their research, with the aim of proving results and theorems across different areas of mathematics.

“Machines can spot these patterns far better than humans can,” says Alex. ”[But] the only way that this is going to scale and have a really big impact in mathematics is if people know about it and they see enough value to use it themselves.”

An interview with Sir Timothy Gowers
  • Machine Learning
  • 25 Jan 2023
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An interview with Alex Davies (DeepMind)

G-Research Distinguished Speaker Series

Throughout the year, we host a number of speakers as part of G-Research’s Distinguished Speaker Series.

We pride ourselves on our learning environment, which gives people the opportunity to develop personally and professionally within their roles, and our Distinguished Speaker Series is central to that.

We invite global experts in their fields to discuss their cutting-edge work with an audience of G-Research employees and guests, giving attendees the chance to learn from the best.

Want to watch the talks, panel discussion and interviews from our Computer Guided Mathematics Symposium? Watch here

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